FHP Leaders and Undergraduate Assistants (UAs)

Leaders for the First-Year Honors Program work in co-leader teams to facilitate an HON 121 seminar section. With the supervision and support of the Undergraduate Assistants and the University Honors staff, leaders plan their section’s syllabus and all activities related to their section. Together with their co-leader they lead discussions, plan events, attend lectures, and facilitate group activities for their section.  Leaders also attend the FHP Retreat and assist with various retreat events. All leaders attend training sessions in the spring semester and then also attend weekly Leaders Meetings in the fall to receive ongoing information, training, and support from the UAs and Honors staff.

FHP Leader Job Description (pdf)
FHP Leader Application (doc)
FHP Leader Contract (pdf)


Past FHP leaders:

Undergraduate Assistants (UAs) within the University Honors Program work together with the Honors staff to provide guidance, support, and coordination for the First-Year Honors Program. 

Together with the Assistant Director, the Undergraduate Assistants help to hire, train, and supervise the FHP Leaders as well as assist with the overall coordination of the First-Year Honors Program, including the First-Year Honors Retreat.

UA Job Description (doc)
UA Application (doc)
UA Reference Form (doc)