Honors Housing
Honors housing provides students with a special experience - by fusing residence hall living with Honors learning, and it provides a stimulating intellectual and social atmosphere for you to enjoy.
Iowa State University Honors Program offers Honors housing option through Honors Houses and Honors Clusters:
Honors House residents enjoy opportunities for informal interaction with faculty at special meals and at informal discussions and programs. Honors Houses also offer a smoke-free, co-educational environment open to all Honors students, first-year through senior year.
Our three Honors Houses are Anders (Barton Hall) and Harwood (Lyon Hall), both located in Old Richardson Court, and Starbuck (Martin Hall) located in the Union Drive.
In Honors Clusters, a majority of the house residents are Honors students. Cluster housing is available in Geoffroy Hall (Ebbers & Day) and Friley Hall (LorchRussell).
For more information regarding Honors housing, please contact the University Honors Program or visit the Department of Residence website.
What past residents say...
"Living in Harwood (my Honors House) is like living with one big family. At any one time, there are 50+ people that I feel I can go and talk to about anything, whether it be about class, last weekend's football game, or a personal issue. All of us are very close in that not only do we live together, but in that we share the same experiences. We eat all of our meals together, help each other on homework, and have fun together. There hasn't been a time where I felt out of place in my own house."
"Since all of the upperclassmen in the house are Honors students, most of them have held or are currently holding positions within Honors Student Board, or with other campus organizations. Because of this involvement, the house is always aware of what is going on and tends to have a strong showing at these activities."
"I love living in Honors housing because of the connections it offers. There is always someone to study with, and I get to know tons of people through the activities that are available to Honors students. We are all very social, and I have many, many friends from living in Honors housing!"